How Penis Sleeves Boost Confidence (One Happy Trans Man’s Perspective)

Brian was one of the first people to discover MANHUUD and kindly shares some of his experiences below. You may find his beautiful expression particularly lovely if you are a trans man or can relate to phalloplasty.

If you are reading this, you are probably already aware of what a penis sleeve is and are considering purchasing one, so I’ll try not to spend too much time explaining what they are. I am in no way affiliated with Manhuud, its founder, or any of his employees - just a satisfied customer who lives on another continent. I was inspired to write this post on my own time to try to explain the benefits of penis sleeves in general and why Manhuud is superior to most other sleeves I’ve tried. Hopefully I will save some people a lot of time and money in trial-and-error.

I’ll try not to give you my whole life story, but a little bit of background is important to see where I’m coming from. I am a trans man; I spent the first 18 years of my life being raised as a girl, although I was aware of my male identity from an early age (I think I first told my parents I was a “boy” at four years old). However, I was born in a small town in a time when “transgender” wasn’t such a buzz word. So I just tried to suppress it, which led to a lot of health problems - both mentally and physically, induced by the stress.

I started transitioning in college, which involved taking hormone replacement. One of the side effects of taking testosterone as a trans guy is that you develop a micro-penis of sorts. At first this was wonderful, but after a while it became more of a curse than a blessing, because I was still not remotely close to being able to use it for any kind of sexual penetration. As a disclaimer, I am not trying to imply that sexual potency equals manhood or masculinity. There are plenty of cis men who have ED and don’t mind it, and there are plenty of trans men and masculine-spectrum people who are comfortable using the parts they were born with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But if you are the kind of person whose mind is hard-wired for genitals that enter things, not being able to do that can be extremely frustrating - especially when you’re at an age where you’re supposed to be in your prime. I wanted to be with straight women, and straight women tend to be attracted to penises . . .

Ultimately I decided to have forearm phalloplasty, but this only solved part of the problem, because I chose not to have an internal erectile implant. The problem is that a penis created by phalloplasty is essentially a roll of skin and subcutaneous fat. It does not have the muscle structure of a biological penis, and so anything implanted in it has more freedom to move around and possibly break through the skin. To me, an implant was not worth the risk when there are other ways of doing things.

No matter what “parts” you have, there are basically three non-surgical ways of solving this problem: you can use a strap-on, a prosthetic, or a sleeve. A strap-on is a solid dildo in a constantly erect position that you wear in a harness. Most harnesses are designed for the female body and sit squarely over the pelvis. If the wearer has any kind of sensitive external genitalia, those can be quite uncomfortable. There are a few - very few and generally expensive - that are designed to accommodate external organs, sitting above the groin. But even then the straps can cut into the groin or into the thighs. They also require stopping and strapping-on, which for some people can kill the mood. Not to mention that it isn’t “you” doing the penetrating. The pleasure you receive from it is going to be mostly mental. A hollow strap-on can help that issue somewhat, but they are often too thick and too rigid to be comfortable for either partner.

The same is true for “prosthetics,” which are essentially extra-realistic strap-ons with multiple layers of silicone and customized paint jobs. A prosthetic is designed to be worn either with medical adhesive or with some kind of harness. They can be made partly hollow to fit your body’s contours - making them a glorified hollow-strapon - and are often designed to be worn under clothing. The “daily-wear” capability is achieved in one of two ways: with a “flex rod” (made of ball-and-socket jointed plastic) or by using a softer core, which makes it only semi erect. This eliminates the need for preparation, but it creates other problems. If you have ever worn one, you understand how difficult it is not to look like you have a constant erection. If you haven’t, it is easy to imagine. Even if you can get by with wearing a prosthetic under clothes and choose to do so, because they are made of silicone they can also trap moisture and cause a lot of discomfort. Another problem is that they break down rather quickly from rubbing against clothing - you can spend upwards of $500 on a product that will need repairs in a few months.

Your third option - and best in my opinion - is to find a good quality sleeve. A sleeve is essentially an extra-thick condom. It can be rolled and put on the same way, and it can be easily concealed and carried in a bag or pack - sometimes in a pocket. They eliminate the discomfort of the daily-wear prosthetic and they eliminate the complication and lack of sensation from the strap-on. Because they stay on with suction, they can be made with thinner material. And the suction itself can be pleasant. They can be custom sized, and if you are worried about them slipping off, you can find some with straps as well.

The main problem I discovered with most sleeves is that they are either too soft to be functional or too hard to be comfortable. The cheaper, softer sleeves generally have a very firm extender tip, and the combination of the hard tip and the soft, thin “walls” means that the tip will constantly bend to one side or another. The cheaper, firmer sleeves are very difficult to put on and do not “give” in a realistic way, which can hurt your partner.

The other problem with sleeves of all materials is they are frequently comically large. On some level this can’t be helped - the sleeve has to be at least somewhat larger than the wearer. But many companies go to extremes - probably because sleeves are mostly marketed as a novelty sex toy. Keeping the size manageable is especially important because silicone - and other synthetic materials - does not compress as easily as flesh does. The circumference you measure is what you are stuck with.

The Manhuud penis sleeve solves these problems very effectively. The sleeve has a soft, realistic sliding “foreskin” with flesh-like “squish” underneath it. In fact, it is the most flesh-like synthetic thing I think I have ever touched. The inner core is slightly more rigid, but the lining of the hole - in other words the part that the wearer feels, is just as soft as the exterior. And it has mild ridges that help create suction and add pleasure. With the help of the “WUUD” rolling device, it you can put it on in seconds. So far I have had no problems with slipping.

It is safe to say that the Manhuud penis sleeve has done great things for my confidence. Of course, results for everyone will vary, but for me was well worth it. It makes my love life much less complicated. And knowing I am using something that is very much like an actual organ gives me a deeper sense of masculinity. Am I saying that realism is always something to strive for? Absolutely not. There are penis sleeves cast in various shapes that are designed to fulfil all kinds of personal fantasies - from aliens to horses to cucumbers. But for many people, greater realism provides greater pleasure. If you or your partner is one of those, I would highly recommend this company.

All MANHUUD products are sold as adult novelty items and are not intended to cure or treat any diseases or medical conditions. Any blogs, descriptions, suggestions, reviews or comments made are educational or anecdotal and should not be interpreted as instructions. It is your responsibility to use MANHUUD products safely and within your capabilities.

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Competition #1


How to Make the Most of Your Penis Sleeve (6 Easy Tips)